10 Olethros also occurs twice in the Septuagint version of Proverbs 1:26-28, and refers to calamity, ruin, trouble and distress.

18 E.g., Thayer, Alford, Gerhard Kittel, David Smith and W.E. Vine.

22 Cf. Dan. 12:2 for another parallel between the everlasting life of the righteous and the everlasting punishment of the wicked.

30 Cf. Rev. 6:9 which teaches the continued existence of the “soul” or person after physical death.

31 Or to his eternal death – Jam. 5:20.

32 The Hebrew word translated “body” in Lev. 21:11, Num. 6:6, Num. 19:13 and Hag. 2:13 is nephesh which means “soul.”

33 Cf. 2 Sam. 2:5, it does not say they buried Saul’s “body” but him.

35 E.g., Matt. 25:46. Cf. points (1), (2), (3), (9) and (10) in the previous section on Annihilation, all of which apply here too.

37 For example, the word “all” in Mark 1:5, Luke 3:15, John 3:26, John 8:2, Acts 22:15 and 2 Cor. 3:2 obviously does not mean “all without exception” in a literal sense. Cf. 1 Cor. 10:23 – it was not lawful for Paul to sin or disobey God; Eph. 6:21; Phil. 4:13; etc.

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